Monday, July 7, 2008

so you want to know my music ? trying to find out what i like huh?

Only if you know how much I don't like people knowing what I like to listen too..... but since its for my fans I can let you know . Well lets get started . To start understanding my music you have to start to know how music got started . I will ask you this question , what is music ? And is music art or math ? Now really think about that question for a while . I am not going to put up the answer because the answers are many .
I look at music as art and way to live life . My music is always changing because the world changes. I use music and listening to what the artist is saying in away to gain a understanding of how to deal with the world. If my day is filled with mayhem then metal is what am going to play. Any day that goes slowly , the music is deep with a understanding ( something like old raps or just smooth R&B ) .

By now start understanding that mixing music is one thing I do. Right now am going to give you one kind of music I listen to , hopefully this will give you some idea of how I live with music . The first thing is how to deal with a busy day. You want to have music that will keep you on track and not making you fall asleep on the trains , this is a link to the music I would use $$$.I use a lot of the play list site to look up new music and see if I can use it in my life . Having a song with meaning helps you to understand and enjoy the song a little bit more then just having a song play loudly in your ears.

music is all one of a kind and everyone is different


Garnett said...

well im glad you letting your fans know your music. lmao Also System of the daown is crazy. Not much into kiss but if it rocks it's hot. lol

melinda said...

Interesting blog..i can relate with you on what you wrote...i wish you would've should more bands you like but i loved it any ways...SYSTEM OF A DOWN ROCKZZZZZZZZ